Old Dalriads Online - a forum for ex-pupils of Dalriada School, Ballymoney, Northern Ireland.

OldDalriads.com, the discussion forum for ex-pupils of Dalriada School, Ballymoney, Northern Ireland, has now gracefully closed its doors. Thanks to everyone for their support and contributions to the community since 2002.

O Dalriadan Land!
Beneath your rain-washed azure skies,
Against whose northern strand
The great Atlantic roller rave;
From where your great cliffs rise
Above the grey tumultuous wave
We picture Fergus stand
With far Agyle and Isla purple 'neath his eyes.

The hero's praises sing we who upon these shores now dwell
Whence he adventuring sailed boldly to the purple north;
The Pictish heathen fell
Not fearing who so gaily forth
Bore earth's most precious thing,
Unknowing that he shared
Christ's conquest over hell.

O Dalriadan Land!
Once to the North Christ's beacon light
Raised in Columba's hand
Amid the pagan dark to blaze
And triumph o'er the night;
As we your ancient glories praise,
Proud of your native strand,
We will uplift your splendid name
in all men's sight.

e: hello-at-olddalriads-dot-com